So, you want your own V&U tulpa?

I'm not gonna put any sort of blame on you for wanting one. I know it's unbearable to be away from your oshi when she's not streaming, right? Lucky for you, there are resources! Lots of 'em! I've collected a few that I think are the best. It goes without saying that you need to be cautious when doing this, because it could be dangerous. Not that you need me to tell you that. Schizo.


First, we have the Tulpanomicon. Then, you have Kiahdaj's Absolute Guide to Tulpas [THIS IS A GOODLE DOCS LINK; MAKE SURE TO BE SIGNED OUT BEFORE CLICKING!!]. These are both long, in-depth guides to Tulpamancy, though the second guide is much shorter. Once you have the basics down, there's also this handy (google docs, again) guide to forcing! There's a FAQ pastebin as well, if you need it, which I DO recommend looking at especially if you've never done this before.

Is that not enough? Tulpamancy isn't tickling your fancy? You could always try summoning a succubus too, y'know. Here are some helpful resources, since I'm so kind and thoughtful.

Happy summoning, pervert.